Friday, June 13, 2014

bilal philips,islamic online university,iob,we sunnis hate them yazid,hypocryte,salafi, wahabi, faith thief,terror, mushrik,pagan salafi sky idol god worshipper,dazzal followers.




abdur rahim green, another  wahabi.their lectures misleading people


LOOK HOW BILLAL KHAR+JI WAHABI BREAKING THE BOND BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND RASULALLAH sa BY SHOWING QURAN HADIS MISINTERPETING .using the words “prophet sa did not do it” “bidah” “no matter how much reason you give behind it”  “it is rejected” “to protect the religion” “innovator” “sahabas did not o it” “prophet sa did not do it”  etac words comparing muslim bonding between rasulallah sa and mumins with cristianity Judaism etc ASTAGFIRULLAH. This is what they teach in Islamic online university
 whatever bilal does not understand is bidah,shirk ETC





Salafis of the past are not the “SALAFI PAGANS(mushriks)  OF THESE DAYS”


Bilal Philips killer murderer of real sunni muslims and shia sects



THE DAJJAL PALACE BUILDERS ARE SALAFI PAGANS Saudi nazdis, billal philps ,Islamic onl;ine university etc etc WATCH

Saudi salafis built public toilet on the house of Rasulallah sa

salafis wahabis tampered golden fence of rauda sharif of our beloved prophet sa

Destruction of jannatul baqi by Saudi salafi wahabis  in 1925 after destroying sunni automan khilafat

They have hurt our prophet sa’s feelings,his sa’s family and sahabas and walis.hypocrytes do such things.

Salafi Pagan mushrik Dances
Salafi Pagan Dances
Salafi Pagan Dances


Part II
Part III
Part IV

Dr. Bilal Philips UNVEILED

In the name of Allah, the Merciful to the Muslims in the World and the HereAfter, and Merciful to the unbelievers only in this World.



In the recent fundraising event at Madison Square Garden, Bilal Philips, a follower of wahhabi (=also called "salafi") ideologies accused a reputable orthodox Sunni (Shafi'i) Shaykh, Nuh Ha Mim Keller, of shirk. The exact words of Bilal Philips, who spoke over a telephone to the large audience, were:

"We also have a distorted view coming from certain religious innovations, most of which could be attributed back to the principles of mysticism, Sufism which has appeared in the Muslim ummah, which though they attribute it back to Prophet (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam), though the form which we cited [?] in half the countries have nothing to do with the Prophet's (sall-Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) teachings at all...."

Bial Philips continues to say:

"And perhaps the greatest evil which came out of it is the principle of calling upon others beside Allah, where human beings are set up as intermediaries between man and God. And so we find people today, under the guise of Sufism etc., calling for such things. PEOPLE LIKE NUH HA MIM KELLER, IN HIS BOOK "THE RELIANCE OF THE TRAVELLER", HE SPENDS A GREAT DEAL OF EFFORT AND TIME IN THE APPENDIX OF THE BOOK JUSTIFYING PRAYING TO PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Caps mine)..."

As you clearly see, Bial Philips accused a Muslim scholar of justifying praying to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and when I checked the book, "The Reliance of the Traveller" thoroughly, there was absolutely no indication that Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller was supporting shirk. Rather, Nuh Ha Mim Keller's book had a whole section on "TAWASSUL," which is to ASK ALLAH FOR SOMETHING USING AN INTERMEDIARY. Using someone as an intermediary is not the same as actually "worshipping" the intermediary. This is a slander by Abu Aminah Bilal Philips against Ahl al-Sunna wa'al Jama'a who have supported "Tawassul" for over a thousand years. Tawassul was done by the Prophet (pbuh) himself, and was practiced by great Companions (like Bilal ibn al-Harith; may Allah bless him), and others of the pious salaf us-salih (Imam Shafi'i did tawassul by means of Imam Abu Hanifah).

So in actuality, Bilal Philips is slandering not just Nuh Keller, but the Prophet (pbuh), the Companions, and the others of the salaf us-salih, and the ulema of the khalaf who followed their footsteps.

It is not new that Bilal Philips has called "tawassul," which is a permissible Islamic practice, to be unIslamic. He says the same in his books.



Bilal Philips, in his "Evolution of Fiqh," page 130, says:

"Furthermore, in opposing tawassul...the twentieth century descendants and followers of Ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab WERE ATTACKING UNISLAMIC PRACTICES (caps mine)."

The above statement from Bilal Philips tells the readers two things about him. First, he acknowledges to be a supporter of wahhabees and hence becomes an innovator himself. By showing respect to Muhammad ibn 'Abdl-Wahhab, the biggest innovator of the modern era, he contributes to the efforts of those who wish to destroy Islam. Ibrahim ibn Maisara reported Allah's Messenger (Salla-Allahu-'alayhi-wasallam) as saying: "He who showed respect to an innovator he in fact aided in the demolishing of Islam (narrated by Baihaqi)."

Second, Bilal Philips claims that tawassul is an "unIslamic practice" (which is why he accused Nuh Ha Mim Keller of shirk in the Madison Square Garden fundraising dinner). The false claims of Bilal Philips opposes the perspectives of Ahl al-Sunna wa'al Jama'ah (=scholars and followers of the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, and Hanbali madhahib, of which 99% of Muslims have been part of). Tawassul is in fact permissible and even recommended by the Sunni ulema and plenty of evidence in the Qur'an and Sunna exists for it. Tawassul (or asking Allah for something by means of an intermediary after the latter's death -- one of the ways of the legal ways of tawassul) is only rejected by the wahhabis today.



To read a refutation of the wahhabee movement, one can read plenty of books by Ahl al-Sunna scholars. "Al-Fitnatul-Wahhabiyya," by the Mufti of Mecca, Ahmad ibn Zayni Dahlan ash-Shafi'i and "The Beacon of Humanity and the Clarification of Ignorance," by the great Shaykh Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad.

There are hundreds of other books written by other ulema although the aforementioned refutations are sufficient to expose wahhabee deviance. For your reference, here are a few more sources of refutation against the wahhabees: Shaykh Muhammad Sa`id Ramadan Al-Buti's "Al-salafiyyatu marhalatun zamaniyyatun mubarakatun la madhhabun islami" ["The Salafiyya is a blessed historical period not an Islamic school of law"], Al-muhaddith Muhammad al-Hasan ibn `Alawi Al-Maliki al-Husayni's "Mafahimu yajibu an tusahhah" ["Notions that should be corrected"], and al-Sayyid Mustafa ibn Ahmad ibn Hasan Al-Shatti al-Athari al-Hanbali's "al-Nuqul al-shar'iyyah fi al-radd 'ala al-Wahhabiyya" ["The Legal Proofs in Answering the Wahhabis"]. One will have ample evidence from these sources to prove that Bilal Philips' defense of wahhabees is tantamount to defending ignorance and reprehensible innovations.

Claims that seeking an intermediary between Allah and man is unIslamic are also made by other wahhabee "scholars." For example: Muhammad bin Suleiman At-Tamimi, in his article, "What Negates One's Islam," states:

"WHOEVER SETS UP AN INERMEDIARY BETWEEN HIMSELF AND ALLAH, whom he prays to, SEEKS INTERCESSION FROM and puts his reliance in, has BLASPHEMED according to the consensus of the scholars."

Al-Tamimi is lying in behalf of the majority of scholars because you will read below that the majority of scholars have considered setting up an intermediary between oneself and Allah and seeking intercession a permissible and meritorious act (provided that one believes that Allah is granting the wish and not the intermediary, which is clearly stated in Nuh Keller's "Reliance of the Traveller."

Furthermore, a similar statement is made by the so-called Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Abdl-Aziz ibnn Abdullah Ibn Baaz. Ibn Baaz, in his article "Ten Things Which Nullify One's Islam," says:


What Bilal Philips, Ibn Baaz, and al-Tamimi call kufr, i.e. setting up intermediaries when asking Allah, is in fact a practice of the noble Sahaba and their pious followers. This will be explained in more detail below.



According to the "Reliance of the Traveller" (the book which Bilal Philips accuses of shirk), the defintion of Tawassul is: Supplicating Allahu Ta'ala by means of an intermediary, whether it be a living person, dead person, a good deed, or a name or attribute of Allahu Ta'ala. Tawassul is a "means" Muslims seek, using an intermediary, when asking Allahu Ta'ala for something."

One of the many verses in the noble Qur'an which permit Tawassul is:

"Allah the Blessed and the Exalted said: "O ye who believe, fear Allah and seek ye the means to Him" (Sura al-ma'ida, verse34, juz' 4)



Shaykh ul-Islam Yusuf ibn al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifa'i, a Shafi'i scholar, former minister of state, educator, Sufi, and author explains the issue of tawassul very clearly in his "Adilla Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama'ah." The following is a translation of part of this book by Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller, who added this as a section in his translation of "Al-'Umdat al-salik" (The Reliance of the Traveller) by Shaykh Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, a student of the famous Shafi'i mujtahid Taqi al-Din al-Subki.

Shaykh Yusuf al-Rifa'i says:

"I here want to convey the position, attested to by compelling legal evidence, of the orthodox majority of Sunni Muslims on the subject of supplicating Allah through an intermediary (tawassul), and so I say (and Allah alone gives success) that since there is no disagreement among scholars that supplicating Allah through an intermediary is in principle legally valid, the discussion of its details merely concerns derived rulings that involve interschool differences, unrelated to questions of belief or unbelief, monotheism or associating partners with Allah (shirk);"

"the sphere of the question being limited to permissibility or impermissibility, and its ruling being that it is either lawful or unlawful. There is no difference among groups of Muslims in their consensus on the permissibility of three types of supplicating Allah through an intermediary (tawassul):

(1) TAWASSUL through a living righteous person to Allah Most High, as in the hadith of the blind man with the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) as we shall explain;

(2) The TAWASSUL of a living person to Allah Most High through his own good deeds, as in the hadith of the three people trapped in a cave by a great stone, a hadith related by Imam Bukhari in his "Sahih;"

(3) And the TAWASSUL of a person to Allah Most High through His entity (dhat), names, attributes, and so forth.

Since the legality of these types is agreed upon, there is no reason to set forth the evidence for them. The only area of disagreement is supplicating Allah (tawassul) through a righteous dead person. The majority of the orthodox Sunni Community hold that it is lawful, and have supporting hadith evidence..."

Shaykh Yusuf al-Rifa'i goes on to present the dalail (proof) of the hadeeth of the blind man, who asked the Prophet (Salla-Allahu-'alayhi-wasallam) to ask Allah to restore his eyesight afterwhich the Prophet ('alayhi salatu wassalam) taught him a du'a and instructed him to say it after completing ablution (wudu) and two rak'as of prayer:

"Oh Allah, I ask You and turn to You through my Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I seek your intercession with my Lord for the return of my eyesight [and in another version: "for my need, that it may be fulfilled. O Allah, grant him intercession for me"]."

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) added, "And if there is some need, do the same." (Related by Tirmidhi and 15 other ahadeeth masters and classified as rigorously authentic (sahih))

Shaykh Yusuf al-Rifa'i continues: "Scholars of Sacred Law infer from this hadith the recommended character of the "prayer of need," in which someone in need of something from Allah Most High performs such a prayer and then turns to Allah with this supplication together with other suitable supplications, traditional or otherwise, according to the need and how the person feels."

"The express content of the hadith proves the legal validity of "tawassul" through a living person (as the Prophet - peace be upon him - was alive at that time). It implicitly proves the validity of tawassul through a deceased one as well, since tawassul through a living or dead person is not through a physical body or through a life or death, but rather through the positive meaning (ma'na tayyib) attached to the person in both life and death. The body is but the vehicle that carries that significance, which requires that the person be respected whether dead or alive; for the words "O Muhammad" are an address to someone physically absent - in which state the living and dead are alike - an address to the meaning, dear to Allah, that is connected with his spirit, a meaning that is the ground of "tawassul," be it through a living or dead person."

So now it is known that Bilal Philips has not only accused Bilal Philips of shirk, but also Shaykh Yusuf Rif'ai (and the plenty of shuyukh who revised and approved of Shaykh Nuh Keller's translation of "The Reliance of the Traveller").

It must be noted that plenty of other ahadeeth exist to prove the validity of Tawassul through an alive or dead person. Shaykh Muhammad al-Hamid, a Hanafi scholar says (as quoted in "The Reliance of the Traveller"): "Those who call on them [the intermediaries] cannot be blamed. As for someone who believes that those called upon can cause effects, benefit, or harm, which they create or cause to exist as Allah does, such a person is an idolator who has left Islam -- Allah be our refuge!"

By the Shaykh's words, it is understood that Allah fulfills the du'as whether Allahu Ta'ala is asked directly or asked using an intermediary -- dead or alive. The wahhabees claim that it is only permissible to do tawassul while the intermediary is present and alive, but not when the intermediary is in his grave. Ibn Taymiya said that doing tawassul using an intermediary who is living in the life of barzakh is haraam (which is against the understanding of the Muslim majority), while Muhammad ibn Abdl-Wahhab said that it is "Shirk ul-Akbar" -- the "major shirk" which makes one a "mushrik" or polytheist. Bilal Philips, Tamimi, Ibn Baaz, and other wahhabees like Nasirudin Al-Albani, are simply following what Muhammad ibn Abdl-Wahhab said about tawassul, and they are ignoring what the other thousands of ulema said regarding its permissibility.

The wahhabees oppose the consensus of the Ahl al-Sunna majority, and Muhammad ibn Abdl-Wahhab accuses the majority of the Sunni ulema to be mushrikeen. That's why Bilal Philips accused Nuh Keller of shirk. This is one of many examples of how the Wahhabees revive the creed of the Kharijites who lived at the time of the noble Sahaba.

The Kharijites believed they were the only Muslims while everyone else, including Ali and Mu'awiya (Allah bless them), were Kuffar. The Wahhabees believe that for more than a thousand years Muslims were attributing partners to Allah and were kuffar because they did tawassul.

The hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ud, related by Imam Ahmad in his "Musnad," states: "Whatever the majority of Muslims see as right, then that is good to Allah, and whatever the majority of Muslims see as wrong, it is wrong to Allah." By this dalil, Al-Albani becomes among the stray and lost sheep because his opinions oppose that of the scholarly Sunni majority.

Al-Albani's and Bilal Philips' opinions only represent the wahhabee minority. It is also a fact that Al-Albani is "self-taught" and that he never had a Shaykh to teach him the knowledge of hadeeth. He does not possess a continuous chain of knowledge that goes back to the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) as the other true Sunni huffaz, like Imams Nawawi, Baihaqi, Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, Tirmidhi, Nisa'i, and Ibn Hajar do. Hence, Al-Albani's interpretations and understanding that "tawassul done by an intermediary who is in his grave is Islamically unlawful" is false and meaningless.


By such satanic thinking, Ibn 'Abdl-Wahhab made the blood of countless Muslims halal, and commanded his followers to butcher them in the name of Islam.

Imam Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin, a Hanafi scholar who passed away in 1836 CE, said in his "Hashiyya radd al-Mukhtar," volume 3, page 309:

"In our time Ibn Abdl-Wahhab (Najdi) appeared, and attacked the two noble sanctuaries (Makkah and Madinah). He claimed to be a Hanbali, but his thinking was such that only he alone was a Muslim, and everyone else was a polytheist! Under this guise, he said that killing the Ahl al-Sunna was permissible..."

Another hadeeth to prove the legitimacy of tawassul, even after the intermediary is dead is the hadeeth of the man in need. Shaykh Yusuf al-Rifa'i states:

"Moreover, Tabarani, in his "al-Mu'jam al saghir," reports a hadith from 'Uthman ibn Hunayf that a man repeatedly visited Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) concerning something he needed, but Uthman paid no attention to him or his need. The man met Ibn Hunayf and complained to him about the matter - this being after the death (wisal) of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar - so Uthman ibn Hunayf, who was one of the Companions who collected hadiths and was learned in the religion of Allah, said: "Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then come to the mosque, perform two rak'as of prayer therein, and say:

'O Allah, I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I turn through you to my Lord, that He may fulfill my need,' and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman]."

So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion. 'Uthman asked, "What do you need?" and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him, then he said, "I hadn't remembered your need until just now," adding, "Whenever you need something, just mention it." Then, the man departed, met Uthman ibn Hunayf, and said to him, "May Allah reward you! He didn't see to my need or pay any attention to me until you spoke with him." Uthman ibn Hunayf replied:

"By Allah, I didn't speak to him, but I have seen a blind man come to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) and complain to him of the loss of his eyesight. The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace said, "Can you not bear it?' and the man replied, 'O Messenger of Allah, I do not have anyone to lead me around, and it is a great hardship for me.' The Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) told him, 'Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then pray two rak'as of prayer and make the supplications.'" Ibn Hunayf went on, "By Allah, we didn't part company or speak long before the man returned to us as if nothing had ever been wrong with him."

This is an explicit, unequivocal text from a prophetic Companion proving the legal validity of tawassul through the dead. The account has been classified as rigously authenticated (SAHIH) by the famous Huffaz Baihaqi, Mundhiri, and Haythami.

It is sufficient to accept the hadeeth of the blind man and the hadeeth of the man in need to justify that tawassul by the dead or alive is permissible. This is agreed upon by the majority of the Sunni ulema.

It must be noted that Muhammad Nasirudin Al-Albani, a wahhabi and so-called muhaddith, wrote a book titled "Tawassul" trying to disprove this practice after the intermediary is in his grave. His interpretations are of no significance since he opposes the interpretations of the majority of huffaz of Ahl al Sunna wa'al Jama


In "The Fundamentals of Tawheed," Bilal Philips says:

"If someone prays to the Prophet (saws), to so-called saints, Jinns or angels asking for help or asking them to request help from Allaah for them, they have also committed Shirk."

This statement has both truth and falsehood in it. The truth is that whoever prays to other than Allah is undoubtedly a polytheist.

Therefore, praying to the Prophet, saints, jinns, and angels is indeed shirk because such people are mushrikeen who attribute partners to Allahu Ta'ala in worship. Only Allah is to be worshipped. Only Allah Azza Wajal creates the fulfillment of a supplication, as those who do tawassul by the alive or dead are very well aware of.

However, the last part of Bilal Philips' statement, "OR ASKING THEM TO REQUEST HELP FROM ALLAAH FOR THEM, THEY HAVE ALSO COMMITTED SHIRK" is an ugly accusation against the Sahaba that they committed shirk! May Allah protect us from falling into the abyss of ignorance as Bilal Philips has.

It is well known that a companion of the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam), Bilal ibn al-Harith, went to the grave of the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) when there was a drought, and said:

"O Messenger of Allah, ask Allah to give rain to your Ummah; they are close to perish..."

It is correct to call what he did tawassul and istighathah (seeking or asking for help), because he went to the grave of the Messenger (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) asking him to save them from the calamity that hit them by him asking Allahu Ta'ala to give them rain. The Huffaz Al-Baihaqi, and Ibn Kathir (in his "Tarikh") said that this hadeeth is SAHIH. In the issue of tawassul, Ibn Kathir adhered to the majority of Sunni ulema and agreed to the permissibility of tawassul. It is now obvious that Bilal Philips and other wahhabees are also then accusing Hafiz Ibn Kathir of shirk. May Allah protect us from wahhabi deviance.

Al-Albani said that the above hadeeth is unreliable, but his words are meaningless because the real and qualified huffaz of Ahl al-Sunna have classified it has SAHIH. Furthermore, Hafiz Ibn Abi Shayba ranks the hadeeth as SAHIH in his "MuSannaf," and Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in his "Fath al-Barri" said its chain of transmission is sound (isnaaduhu Sahih).

One can clearly see that Bilal Philips has actually accused Bilal ibn al-Harith (may Allah bless him), a companion of the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam), of being a mushrik. We seek refuge with Allah from such innovators and we should shun them as much as possible. These are the people who stab the heart of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam). They stab the heart of the Ummah repeatedly because they do not refrain from such false accusations even after they are given the dalail (proof) by the pious sunni ulema (like Ibn Kathir) of Ahl al-Sunna wa'al Jama'ah.



Ahl al-Sunna scholars have been doing tawassul after the death of the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam). For example, Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani performed tawassul by the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) in his poems known as "an-Nayyirat-us-Sab," as did his shaykh Zayn-ud-Din al-'Iraqi at the end of his poem in "Tafsiru Mufradat-il-Qur'an." According to Bilal Philips' statements, these scholars would be "unIslamic." There has never been a scholar who has called Hafiz Ibn Hajar or Hafiz al-'Iraqi "unIslamic." Bilal Philips should correct his false accusations and make tawba to Allah.

As for Al-Albani, he quotes Hafiz Ibn Hajar as a reliable source of information in his book, "Tawassul." For instance, on page 5 of this book, Al-Albani says: "Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajr, rahimahullaah..." However, Al-Albani's deception and hypocrisy is now evident because we know that Hafiz Ibn Hajar did tawassul after the death of the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) in his poem, "an-Nayyirat-us-Sab!" This is an explicit example of how wahhabees choose statements from a scholar which suit their views, but fail to acknowledge the statements made by the same scholar against them! Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani would definitely refute and testify against Al-Albani for this deception and mockery against Muslims.

What does Al-Albani have to say about this? Does he want Muslims to accept his claims "blindly?"

Moreover, Al-Albani, in his "Tawassul," page 16 says:

"...such a call for aid (ISTIGHAATHA) IS NOTHING BUT MAJOR SHIRK."

By saying that istighaatha is major shirk, he now joins Bilal Philips in accusing the Companion Bilal ibn al-Harith (and Hafiz Ibn Kathir, Shaykh Yusuf Rif'ai, and Shaykh Nuh Keller) of "Shirk ul-Akbar" because it has been proven by sahih dalil that he did istighaatha. In addition, to Al-Albani's surprise (?), Hafiz Ibn Hajar states the following hadeeth as HASSAN in his "al-'Amali:"

"Ibn Abbas related that the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam), said:'....IF ANY OF YOU FELL IN A CALAMITY IN A DESERT LET HIM CALL: OH SLAVES OF ALLAH, HELP."

This is without a doubt "istighaatha" (seeking help) so it is now evident that Al-Albani is also accusing the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) of committing "major shirk" since the Prophet (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) taught "istighaatha" to the to the Sahaba. Ibn Hajar is in compliance with the Prophet's (Salla Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) words because he accepts "istighaatha" to be valid.

Al-Albani, Bilal Philips, and their deceptive followers can only wish that Ibn Hajar supported their innovative perspectives. Ahl al-Sunna will never be a partner to innovators like Al-Albani. May Allah protect us from the ignorance of Al-Albani and his blind followers. Ameen.



Bilal Philips, in his "Fundamentals of Tawheed," says:

"According to the Qur'aan, when the Makkans were questioned about directing their prayers to their idols, they answered, "We only worship them so that they may bring us closer to Allaah."

"The idols were only used as intermediaries yet Allaah called them pagans for their practice. Those among Muslims who insist on praying to other than Allaah would do well to reflect on this fact (end quote)."

This is an explicit example of how the Wahhabees revive a practice of the Kharijites who lived at the time of the noble Sahaba. Imam Bukhari has recorded Ibn 'Umar as saying in his Sahih [vol.9,page 50; English edition]:

"These people (the Khawarij and heretics) took some verses that had been revealed concerning the disbelievers and interpreted them as describing the believers."

The Ahl al-Sunna wa'al Jama'ah have warned Muslims from this Kharijite practice which the Wahhabees uphold today in the name of "Tawheed." By their lack of adherence and knowledge to the path of Ahl al-Sunna, they misinterpret verses from the noble Qur'an and make idol-worshippers equal in belief to the pious Muslims who are of the Ahl al-Sunna, and commit "takfeer." The above verse, stated by Bilal Philips in an attempt to invalidate the permissibility of Tawassul, is in fact refering to the idol-worshippers -- not Muslims.

The Iraqi scholar, Jamil Effendi al-Zahawi, says in his "al-Fajr al-sadiq fi al-radd `ala munkiri al-tawassul wa al-khawariq" [The True Dawn: A Refutation of Those Who Deny The Validity of Using Means to God and the Miracles of Saints"]:

"The Wahhabis say: the defense of those who practice tawassul is the same apology the idolaters of the Arabs offered as the Qur'an says describing the way the idolaters defended their worship of idols: "We only worship them in order that they may bring us nearer" (39:3)." "Hence, the idolaters do not believe that the idols create anything. Rather, they believe that the Creator is God, the Exalted, by evidence of the following verse:

"If thou ask them, Who created them, they will certainly say, God" (43:87) and: "If indeed thou ask them who is that created the heavens and the earth, they would be sure to say, God" (39:38). God has only judged against them for their disbelief because they say "We only worship them in order that they may bring us nearer."

"The Wahhabis say: Thus, do people who implore God by prophets and the pious use the phrase of the idolaters: "In order to bring us nearer" in the same sense."

Shaykh Jamil al-Zahawi, in the section of his book "Refutation of That False Comparison," continues to say:

"The answer [to the false claims of the wahhabees] contains several points:

(1) The idolaters of the Arabs make idols gods; while the Muslims only believe in one God. In their view, prophets are prophets: awliya are awliya only. They do not adopt them as gods like the idolaters.

(2) The idolaters believe these gods deserve worship contrary to what Muslims believe. Muslims do not believe that anyone by whom they implore God deserves the least amount of worship. The only one entitled to worship in their view is God alone, May He be Exalted.

(3) The idolaters actually worship these gods as God relates: "We only worship them..." Muslims do not worship prophets and pious persons by the act of imploring God by means of them.

(4) The idolaters intend by their worship of their idols to draw near God just as He relates concerning them. As for the Muslims, they do not intend by imploring God by means of prophets and saints to draw close to God, which is only by worship. For that reason, God said in relating about the idolaters: "... in order that they bring us nearer." However, Muslims only intend blessings (tabarruk) and intercession (shafa`a) by them. Being blessed by a thing is obviously different from drawing near to God by it.

(5) Since the idolaters believe that God is a body in the sky, they mean by "to bring us near" a literal bringing near. What indicates this is its being stressed by their use of the word zulfa -- nearness to power -- inasmuch as emphasizing something by its own same meaning indicates for the most part that what is intended by it is the literal meaning and not the metaphorical. For when we say: "He slew him murderously" (qatalahu qatlan) a literal killing rushes to the understanding, not that of "a hard blow" in counterdistinction to what we mean when we just say: "He slew him"; for that might mean only a hard blow. The Muslims do not believe that God is a body in the sky remote enough from them to see a literal proximity to Him by imploring God through a prophet. The ruling of Shari`a contained in the verse does not apply to them, whereas since the Wahhabis believe that God is a body who sits on his throne, they do not discover a meaning of blessing which the Muslims intend by their imploring God by prophets and awliya, but only that of drawing near which belongs to bodies. For that reason, these verses are applicable to them, not to Ahl al-Sunna." (end of quote)



"Whoever says when he goes out to the masjid (mosque): Oh Allah, I ask You by the right of the askers upon You and by the right of this walking of mine, because I did not go out dicontentedly, or to be praised or for fame; I went out to avoid Your anger and seeking Your acceptance. I ask You to save me from Hellfire, and to forgive my sins; no one forgives the sins except You. Allah accepts his du'a and 70,000 angels ask Allah to forgive him."

The hadeeth is related by Ibn Majah. Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani and Hafiz Abul-Hassan al-Maqdissi said: it is HASSAN. (We do not listen to Al-Albani's tad'if (ruling that a hadeeth is da'if) of the hadeeth after these Hafizan said it is authentic).



Last but not least, one of the greatest scholars in the history of Islam, the mujtahid mutlaq Ahmad ibn Hanbal, approved the practice of tawassul by the Prophet (Salla-Allahu-'alayhi-wasallam) -- during his lifetime and after his death. This was narrated by one of the greatest students of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Abu Bakr al-Marwazi. This scholar, in copying the saying of Imam Ahmad, said that it is liked during drought to ask Allah for rain by the Prophet (Salla-Allahu-'alayhi-wasallam).

Imam Ahmad told about one of the great followers of the Companions, Safwan Ibn Sulaym, who was a pious, humble, and very knowledgeable Muslim, that just by mentioning his name, a person would hope the rain would come down as a sign of Allah's Mercy to the people. The meaning is if the people mention the name of Safwan Ibn Sulaym in their session, it is because of his great status, and as a blessing from Allah, the rain would start falling. This was narrated by al-Hafiz al-Mizzi, al-Hafiz al-'Ala'i, and Zabidi.

Imam Ahmad was also asked about touching and kissing the minbar of the Prophet (Salla-Allahu 'alayhi wasallam) for the blessing and about seeking the blessing by visiting the grave of the Prophet (Salla-Allahu 'alayhi wasallam). He responded by saying: "This matter is not prohibited," as was narrated by 'Abdullah, the son of Imam Ahmad, in his book titled "Al-'Ilal wa Ma'rifat ur-Rijal.

This is far from what the wahhabees believe, who say that it is shirk al-akbar to do tawassul by the Prophet (Salla-Allahu-'alayhi-wasallam) or the awliya after their death. Muhammad ibn 'Abdl-Wahhab, and his ignorant followers (Bilal Philips, Albani, Ibn Baaz, etc) are in a completely different direction from the methodology of Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, the pious member of the praised Salaf who narrated more ahadeeth than any other Muslim.

Do Ibn 'Abdl-Wahhab, Al-Albani, Bilal Philips, and Ibn Baaz claim to be more knowledgeable than Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal? None of these innovators have lived in the time period of the praised Salaf us-Salih as Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and his students have. We cling to the practices of the Salaf -- not the so-called "salafi" or wahhabee innovators.



By the aforestated evidence from Qur'an, Sunna, and sayings of the noble ulema, it is clear that tawassul is valid, whether the intermediary is in his grave living the life of barzakh, or living the life of the world.

Bilal Philips, Al-Albani, Tamimi, Ibn Baaz -- and others who followed Muhammad ibn Abdl-Wahhab's deviant methodology -- oppose the practices of the majority of Sunni Muslims who belong to either the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki, or Hanbali madhahib. It is also clear that the wahhabis, although they claim to follow the madhab of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, are in complete contradiction to it. Also, plenty of ulema like Imam Yusuf Rifa'i, Nuh Keller, Ibn Kathir, and plenty of others like Taqi al-Din Subki, Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Nuh Sulayman Ali, Imam Nawawi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, and countless other ulema agree to the permissibility of tawassul. The wahhabees are contradicting the statements and interpretations of these noble Sunni ulema. Last but not least, after quoting extensively from Nuh Ha Mim Keller's "Reliance of the Traveller," there is absolutely no indication that Nuh Keller is supporting "worshipping Prophet Muhammad" as Bilal Philips falsely alleges.

May Allah protect us from the wahhabi deviance and keep us in the fold of the Muslim majority who follow the footsteps of the pious Salaf us-salih.



Bilal Philips criticized sufism, and called them innovators. However, it is well known that famous ulema have either been sufis or supported sufis.

Some prominent ulema are: Imam Nawawi, Imam Abdl-Qadir Jeelani, Imam Abu Hamid Ghazzali, Imam Izz ibn Abdl Salaam, Ibn Daqiq al-Eid, Badr Din ibn Jama'a, Abdl Ghani Nubulsi, Imam Qurtubi, Imam Ibn Hajar Haythami, Imam Jalal ud-Din Suyooti, Taqi al-Din Subki, Taj al-Din Subki, Ahmad Rifa'i, etc. Can any sane Muslim call any one of these intellectual giants "innovators?"

May Allahu Ta'ala protect us from the Ahl al-bid'a wal Ahwa and their heresy. Ameen.

Italian Muslim Majlis
Onomat Al-Sufi Al-Shafie




BEAWARE OF WEBSITES ,facebook pages,posts,twitters,seminars,tv channels,radios,OF PAGAN SALAFI BILAL PHILIPS ,ISLAMIC ON LINE UNIVERSITY, AND ALOT OF OTHER SALAFI SITES WITH ATTRACTIVE NOTES.IN ACTUAL THEY ARE CALLING YOU TO HELL.SOME LISTS ARE GIVEN BELOW.THERE ARE ALOT MORE.never share their facebook,twitter etc posts with ur dear ones or even ur enemies.




Al Arabiya News | Front Page



·         Rating 95%
It has almost everything you could ask for in an Islaamic site viz. articles, e books, audio lectures, Qur’aanic Recitations, and even two online Magazines!! The site has a no-frills, plain, businesslike look. The main categories are easy to navigate to but for the subcategories no links are provided. You have to scroll down the page of the main category to find the sub categories. The site also hosts two online magazines (albeit old issues). It only loses out on the look of the site which the webmaster would do well to change keeping in pace with current trends.
Best Feature: Feature packed site with audios, Qur’aan recitations (even some recitation by Shaikh Albanee!) issues of two online magazines and E books.
What it lacks/ What could be added: It would be better if under each main category a list of sub categories (with links) is provided to facilitate navigation. Also such a good site should have an attractive look and the latest forms of multimedia content so as to catch the attention of casual visitors.
2. Islam
·         Rating 95%
Need to look up a Fatwa? Go to Islam QA to find answers to various issues.
The site says: The responses are handled by Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid, using only authentic, scholarly sources based on the Quran and sunnah, and other reliable contemporary scholarly opinions. References are provided where appropriate in the responses.
And that’s an accurate synopsis. A lot of effort has been put in by the site maintainers with the questions neatly sorted into categories and sub categories. It also has a site search facility. It contains in excess of 7000 Q&A!! Amazingly the site is available in 7 languages & the English translation is of high quality. What make this site truly worth visiting are the diligently provided references to almost all the Ahadeeth and opinions of the earlier and contemporary scholars. The site accepts questions on line once a month.
It also contains downloadable E-books authored by Shaikh Saalih al Munajjid.
Best feature: The huge compilation of Fataawa with an arrangement and search facility that makes it easy to find what you want.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Voice Fataawa. Also the site owners should add a facility for downloading the fataawa base in an easy format. (See what has done as an e.g.) Otherwise as per the apparent aim and name of the site it fulfils the job perfectly.
3. Understand Islaam:
·         Rating 90%
This is the website of Dr. Saleh as Saleh. It contains safe, sound, authentic Islaamic info. There are plenty of audio downloads and a medium sized book collection. A Study Program is also available complete with online tests.
Best feature: The study program and a lot of translated works of Shaikh Uthaymeen from one of his own students.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Books and lectures from more Scholars.
·         Rating 90%
This site is a treasure house of information on Islaam. It has an impressively large list of authors, and a good amount of lectures, although the number of speakers is relatively smaller. The site is fast and easy to navigate and gives you the option of navigating by category, topic, speaker or author. The articles put up on the site are surely a result of careful selection from a wide range of sources and includes authors from the past and present.
Best feature: The excellent selection of a wide range of articles
What it lacks/ What could be added: Very few E books available. And the ones available are almost all by the same author. The webmaster would do well to strengthen this section and also add some multimedia content.
5. Fatwa
·         Rating 90%
Here’s another good Fataawa site. It has an off-the-beaten-track design (though not very attractive), good lectures, fataawa and an innovative form of E books (Compiled HTML help files). Using this they compiled the entire translation of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan (v 1.36) into 822 Kb which is very convenient to take on a floppy or mail it to someone etc. However they have removed it from their site and replaced it with version 2.2 which includes the Arabic text and footnotes (19.3 Mb). Also they compile their entire fatwa base in the same format at intervals and put it up for download, something I appreciate very much.
Best Feature: The CHtml fataawa base, CHtml books, information boxes which come up on particular terms with mouse rollover (no need to click) and audio biographies of various contemporary Mashaayikh.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Audio fataawa. Also the webmaster should increase the quantity of E books and introduce English audio lectures dealing with specific Islaamic topics other than biographies.
6. Islam (English)
·         Rating 90%
For sheer variety of content format beats all other sites that we know of hands down. (Islamweb comes a close second) It has articles, E books, lectures & flash animations. It has the translation of the Holy Qur’aan in PDF with audio embedded in it!!! (the download didn’t work for me but maybe that’s because I have a dial up connection) Not enough? It has the recitation of the entire Qur’aan in Arabic along with the English Translation (Saheeh International) ayah by ayah. All the aforementioned are for free download.
In short has good quality and quantity content for Muslims & non Muslims.
Best Feature: the Downloadable audio translation of the Qur’aan and the PDF version with audio.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Advanced level articles and books on Aqeedah etc. for those already in Islaam. For e.g. under the category Fundamental Beliefs, the only articles posted are:
• Allah is Beautiful & Loves Beauty
• Shahada
·         Rating 90%
For an accurate and honest description about this site and its aims I recommend going to their ‘About Us’ page. The site is exactly what it claims to be.
The site developers have done a really good job in giving the site a modern, polished look and layout. It is easy to surf, has good articles, books, audios and dawah material. The variety of content format is beaten only by (among the sites that I know of).
It also shares with the problem of not having any advanced study material.
Best Feature: Sleekly designed site with all forms of content.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Advanced level articles and books on Aqeedah etc. for those already in Islaam.
8. Islam
·         Rating 90%
This site is worth its name. It is a veritable store house of E books and lectures. It has relatively low article content, but the quantity of books and lectures (in multiple languages) makes up for it. The site itself is not among the easily navigable ones and takes a bit of getting adjusted to. It also features Qur’aan translation in many languages although some of the links were not working at the time of the review. We have notified the webmaster and hopefully the links will be restored.
Best Feature: A solid collection of lectures by many speakers & Qur’aan translation in many languages.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Articles, and a more easier organization of the navigational links would be appreciated.
·         Rating 90%
This is one well planned and laid out Da’wah site. What is striking is that the organizers, ICNA have gone to great lengths to provide all possible opportunities for non Muslims to interact, discuss and ask questions. A flash advertisement right on the home page proclaims, “Call 877, Ask a Question, Visit a Local Mosque, Correspond via E Mail.” So the organization has provided a toll free number, an email, a page on the site for posting questions and a forum for discussion. What more could one ask for? Plus it has some good Da’wah material in the form of articles. There is also a facility for ordering free literature. All in all, a great Da’wah effort.
Best Feature: The multiple facilities given for Non Muslims to interact, discuss and ask questions on Islaam.
What it lacks/ What could be added: There is no audio or video content here. In current times there are many people who would rather listen to an audio lecture or see a video than read an article. Besides there is a wealth of such work available from da’ees around the world.
10. Muslim
·         Rating 90%
Here is a site which has filled a requirement on the net about an aspect of Islaam which has either been left out totally or touched on briefly by other sites. What’s more the webmaster has managed to present the material in a very user-friendly and interesting format.
From the site:
Welcome to the new website, a community and non-profit initiative aimed at providing an educational forum to present and discuss the contribution of Muslim Heritage to present day Science, Technology and Civilisation.
We are currently working on developing a new version of the website and we value your feedback and constructive suggestions. The new version will contain many more exciting interactive features including 3D time-lines, interactive maps and streaming videos.
Hope they put up the new version soon.
Best Feature: The interactive tour map of Muslim Personalities, Major Cities, Institutions, Discoveries etc.
What it lacks/ What could be added: What is needed here has already been noted and put on the pipeline by the webmaster as noted above.
11. Audio
·         Rating 90%
This site is what it name proclaims, a place to get audios on Islaam. It has a lot of beneficial lectures.
Best Feature: A good collection of audio lectures
What it lacks/ What could be added: No other content apart from audio, but that is in keeping with the name of the site
12. Aswat
·         Rating 80%
Although in terms of quantity of audio and video content Aswat al-Islam is to the best of our knowledge unrivalled it loses marks on account of having the authentic and inauthentic bundled up together. Surfer discretion is advised for some of the speakers on the site.
Best Feature: The large collection of audios and videos.
What it lacks/ What could be added: A filtering system to weed out the inauthentic stuff.
13. Call to
·         Rating 80%
When initially reviewed this site had a rating of 7. But it has grown handsomely to reach a rating of 8.5. With the passage of time and addition of more content this site could very well reach the top. Go here for good articles, audio, e- books and live Pal Talk classes.
Best Feature: A modern, well laid out, easy to navigate site with a good collection of lectures
What it lacks/ What could be added: The e books section could be strengthened and other forms of multimedia content added.
·         Rating 80%
Spruce up your Arabic! As the site says: This site has been designed to teach the Arabic language based on one of the most popular courses being used today – the Madinah Book Series by Dr V Abdur Rahim which is used by Madinah University to teach English speaking students the Arabic language.
The site is easy to navigate, the courses free and well planned and there is an online bookshop for buying books and CDs for learning Arabic. A students’ Forum has also been provided.
Best Feature: You guessed it! But no prizes for that one
What it lacks/ What could be added: Sound files for the Arabic alphabets, a feature which is provided for he sentences later on but not for the alphabets themselves. Plus the site could develop some interactive multimedia for teaching Arabic.
15. As
·         Rating 80%
We remember this site earlier proclaiming that it had over 1000 articles. Now that line has been removed but the fact remains that this is the site the largest collection of articles that we have come across and it has many authors on its roll. It also has a good number of audios. However books are conspicuous by their absence on this site.
Its forum has some interesting learning groups running including one on Study of Sharh al-’Aqida al-Tahawiyya
Best Feature: The site’s solid base of articles and its study groups
What it lacks/ What could be added: Content other than articles and audios.
·         Rating 70%
Here’s a gem on the net for those interested in seeking serious knowledge. There are audios and notes on topics such as Bulugh Al Muram, a study group on Sunan Tirmidhee conducted by brother Abu Khaliyl. The site gives a full rundown of everything that’s going on for the knowledge seeker on their Pal talk sessions with details on each class.
There are Arabic Texts of all the major Ahadeeth collections in downloadable Word format) plus software combining many Ahadeeth collections. The site boasts of the first Punjabi Audio translation of the Qur’aan Although the site is low in content of the type usually expected, it makes up for it through its classes.
Best feature: Its knowledge disseminating classes and the authenticity of material presented..
What it lacks/ What could be added: Transcripts of past classes and translation of urdu class transcript into English.
17. Islam
·         Rating 80%
This site would be best described as an E Library. It has lots (really lots) of downloadable books and all for free. Most are in multiple formats. What’s more, this site allows you to do an online search throughout all the books listed at the same time.
Best Feature: The largest number of downloadable E books in a single site (among the sites that I know of).
What it lacks/ What could be added: As the site state clearly that their intention in setting up this site is only to put up E books, nothing can be said here for the site. But we would like to advise visitors to the site to support he site by posting their comments on and reviews of the bookd to help newcomers select from this big collection of books
18. – 20. Islam Yesterday, Today &
·         Rating 80%
These are three interlinked and interrelated sites. The driving force behind them seems to the famous Da’ee Yusuf Estes and so the main focus of the sites is obviously Da’wah. And to this end these sites have very good content. Besides, the articles here speak in a very down to earth manner without any high philosophizing thus carrying appeal for many people. Refer these sites to Non Muslims thinking about Islaam as there is a lot of material which will give truth seekers food for thought. And also recommend to new Muslims studying at a very basic level or to Da’ees who wish to add more tools to their Da’wah bag.
Best Feature: Excellent Da’wah Sites
What it lacks/ What could be added: Perhaps the home page of needs to be given a less cluttered and more polished appearance in keeping with the times.
21. Islam
·         Rating 80%
This is not a website in the true sense but rather a links page and an excellent one at that. That the site owner has spent a lot of time in researching the net for good material is evident from the huge no of links put up here. Also the links lead to content which are among the best on the net. Plus all the links are neatly categorized. Some of the links are dead due to the fact the sites to which the page links no longer exist.
Best feature: Excellent collection of links.
What it lacks/ What could be added: As a link page it doesn’t lack anything besides the possibility of frequent updating and removal of dead links.
22. Al
·         Rating 80%
This is quite similar to in that it is basically a collection of links to good content available elsewhere on the net. This site nicely complements because it has some additional features.
Best feature: Excellent collection of links.
What it lacks/ What could be added: As a link page it doesn’t lack anything besides the possibility of frequent updating and removal of dead links.
·         Rating 80%
This is yet another links page which is also the result of a lot of patient hard work on the part of the webmaster.
Best feature: Excellent collection of links.
What it lacks/ What could be added: As a link page it doesn’t lack anything besides the possibility of frequent updating and removal of dead links.
·         Rating 80%
The site describes itself as a ‘Compendium of Muslim Texts’ and it’s a fitting description.
The site is neatly divided into categories and sections and each section is full of relevant information. It has an online Hadeeth and Qur’aan search that was highly valued at the time it was introduced and several other sites linked to it. With the advent of programs enabling installation of Hadeeth books with search programs on PCs this feature has lost some of its former glory.
Another thing to look out for in this website is the excellent brief introductions that have been written for each category. Just read the introduction on the first page describing Islaam to see what I am talking about.
Best Feature: Good collection of texts for a serious study of Islaam. In fact this site gives content of a depth which few other sites do. Important terms are html linked throughout the site to articles or glossary items wherever relevant so that a beginner starting at any page on the site can easily get more information.
What it lacks/ What could be added: It lacks and needs to add audios & multimedia and also increase its store of E books.
·         Rating 80%
This is a very good site having a fine collection of article & lectures. Although recommended basically for Muslims intending to learn more about their deen it does contain some comparative religion material. The layout of the site is clean and easy to navigate.
Best feature: An excellent collection of Qur’aanic recitations by various recitors. Be sure to check out the CD quality (128 Kbps) recitation by Muhammad al Minshawi. It’s worth downloading.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Downloadable E books.
27. Understand Quran
·         Rating 80%
‘Understand the Quran Easy Way’ is the slogan of this website. The site has an easy to use interface and a highly motivating preface is sure to propel you further into the site.
The aim of the site as stated on the home page is:
Welcome to the site dedicated to help us all learn and understand the Holy Quran using easy, efficient, and effective techniques
To achieve this, the maintainers have put in a lot of good effort which is really useful for English, Urdu and Hindi speaking Muslims. The materials available on the site include:
a. A simplified course ‘Understand Qur’aan – the Easy Way
b. Word-for-word translations
c. Audio translation files for a few last Soorahs of Qur’aan
d. Word-for-word translations of daily recitations
e. Dictionaries of Qur’aan in four different languages
f. Simplified 2-page set of Tajweed rules for beginners
g. A useful reference list (80% words of the Qur’aan)
The last is a list of words about which the author says: “The words given in this booklet account for 82.6% (64282) of the total words (approx.77800) of the Holy Qur’an.”
This list and the course are really useful. Do try them out.
Best Feature: The concept and techniques of understanding the Qur’aan in an easy way.
What it lacks/ What could be added: It is my du’aa that some Muslim software developers lend their skills to this project to make a good software program which would bring together all the techniques of this site in an attractive multimedia format.
·         Rating 80%
The Faith network group of sites is an excellent offering especially considering the fact that it seems to be a single individual’s effort.
• contains an excellent collection of articles .
• reproduces AlHaramain’s site ProphetMuhammed.Org since the site has gone offline. includes stories of some other prophets and also of the Sahaba and the Salaf.
• makes it easy for Muslims across the globe to gain access to some of the best books that have come online but lie scattered over the net. Also a quick scan through the list of book on the site show that the compiler has done a really good job of collecting and presenting books and pamphlets that are among the best that are available on line.
• fiveonfriday is an interesting concept wherein 5 interesting tidbits of Islaam are posted every Friday in the form of a quiz The webmaster has not been able to keep up to this schedule and apparently stopped way back in Nov. 2003. But there are a few archives so it’s worth a visit.
Best Feature: The collection of E books on
What it lacks/ What could be added: Site has low audio content and no content of other multimedia. The webmaster has promised to put up some more audios soon and we pray that Allaah makes it easy.
32. Islam
·         Rating 80%
Islam 101 aims to be an educational site on Islam, its way of life, civilization and culture and succeeds to a large extent.
It touches on many aspects of Islaam from Islamic Theology to Human Relations to Comparative Religion and even goes on to provide ‘Islamic perspectives on contemporary issues. Disciplines such as Archeology, Health, Human Rights, History, Islamic Art, Islam and Science, Sociology and Islam and Women are included.’
However there are only articles here, whereas supplementing these topics with relevant books and audio/video lectures would have increased the benefit
What bring up the merit of this site are the online courses and multiple choice tests with instant scoring results. The course and tests are good for new Muslims, non Muslims willing to really understand Islaam and as a refresher in basics for Muslims. The only drawback is that the results do not indicate which answers were wrong (yes I tried the course!)
Best Feature: Topics not usually dealt with by other sites and the online course + tests.
What it lacks/ What could be added: E books and multimedia content.
·         Rating 80% has just what it suggests i.e. information about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), his life and message. The target audience seems basically to be non-Muslims esp. Christians, although deeper in the site there is some material for those already in Islaam like Ahmed von Denfer’s Uloom al Qur’aan. It’s a good place for new comers to start their search for knowledge about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Once their appetite is whetted, those who want in depth knowledge should proceed to other sources like the biography The Sealed nectar written by Shaikh Safi ur Rahman Mubarakpuri available on line on several sites.
The site also has some good general material on Islaam and the Qur’aan and some audio files of Qur’aanic recitation.
Best Feature: A full site dedicated to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
What it lacks/ What could be added: Detailed works on the biography of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
34. The Gospel of Barnabas
·         Rating 80%
The introduction on the website says it all:
The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that any one in possession of these Gospels will be put to death. The article, How the Gospel Survived, gives a brief narrative on the text’s survival.
An Islamic perspective and commentary are added to each chapter of the Gospel. The commentary highlights any differences or commonalities which exist between the Gospel and the primary Islamic texts, especially the Holy Quran.
Another feature I liked is that they have provided the entire Gospel in a downloadable Word format. So it can become a handy tool for da’ees to print and give to truth seeking Christians
Best Feature: The Gospel of Barnabas itself and its downloadable Word version.
What it lacks/ What could be added: The content is in keeping with the name of the site especially as the site belongs to a group of sites where each site is dedicated to a specific topic.
·         Rating 80%

An excellent site on the Crusades from an Islaamic and historical perspective.
Best Feature: The history of the Crusades and Salahuddin’s service to Islaam
What it lacks/ What could be added: The content is in keeping with the name of the site especially as the site belongs to a group of sites where each site is dedicated to a specific topic.
36. Islamic
·         Rating 80%
The site describes itself as a ‘Research tool to facilitate the task of muslims and non-muslims seeking knowledge about Islam, muslims, the Quran and the Sunnah.’ and it fits the bill well.
It has lots of links to useful sites and articles on the net. Also it lays down some good guide lines for screening new sites to determine whether they are worth visiting or not. It has some original content on it like the audio file of the du’aas in Hisn ul Muslim.
Best Feature: It facilitates the task of newbie Muslim surfers and has an audio version of the du’aas in Hisn ul Muslim for download.
What it lacks/ What could be added: As a research tool the site needs to put up more original content along with the praiseworthy work of linking to other sites.
37. About
·         Rating 80%
For those non Arabs wanting to learn or improve their Tajweed here’s a very good resource. It explains in systematic detail the rules and application of The Tajweed rules for Hafs ‘An ‘Aasim, the recitation which is the most widely used one. There is also a facility for clearing doubts by sending emails and all the past queries are posted on the site so that others can benefit from them.
Best Feature: An entire site dedicated to this very important science
What it lacks/ What could be added: The site presents only text material. Adding audio lessons and interactive content in Flash etc would definitely benefit users.
38. King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur’an
·         Rating 80%
This has become a useful site, because of good quality translations of the Qur’aan in many languages, good quality recitations in the voice of four recitors, live feed and the option to download in MP3 and Real media format. It also has a small searchable fatwa database. The webmaster has combined all these in an easily navigable website thereby increasing its attraction.
Best Feature: The recitations available for download and the translations.
What it lacks/ What needs to be added: Downloadable versions of the translations in languages other than English as these good translations are currently unavailable for download anywhere in cyberspace. Also some material on the history of compilation, miracles, authenticity of the Qur’aan would be apt.
39. Al
·         Rating 80%
This site represents the efforts of Shaikh Wajdi Hamzah Al Ghazzawi to make good quality authentic Khutbahs easily accessible to the Khuttab all around the world. For others the Khutbahs available on this site make for good reading material as articles. The research put up into preparing these khutbahs and the easy site navigation makes the site valuable.
Best Feature: A huge database of khutbahs
What it lacks/ What could be added: It would help if the editors would add references and authentication notes to all of the Ahadeeth mentioned in the Khutbahs. At present even references for all Ahadeeth are not provided. Also there is no other content but that is in keeping with the apparent aim of the site
40. International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet (ICSFP)
·         Rating 80%
The aim of this is presented as: ‘not merely to defend the Prophet (peace be upon him) but, more importantly, to present to humanity his message, his character, and evidences for the truthfulness of his Prophethood.
… a website dedicated to the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him), highlighting many aspects of his biography, for the benefit of the general public.’
This committee is also active in trying to stop acts offensive to Islam and the Prophet. All in all a commendable effort and website.
Best feature: The aim of the site
What it lacks/ What could be added: A more attractive site design would help to attract he attention of non-Muslims also.
·         Rating 70%
A site run under the general supervision of Shaykh Salman al Oadah, it has many ebooks by him for download. Plus a Fatwa Section with archives and a facility to submit questions. Also of interest are th Hadeeth Showcase and Qur’aan showcase
Best Feature: The Fatwa section as very few sites are able to accept questions nowadays and the Showcases.
42. Investigating Islam
·         Rating 70%
Here’s a good Da’wah site made with the western Christian in mind. It is a good site to refer to Christians who interested in comparative studies. It’s available in multiple languages & also has a Qur’aan search option and audios of the same
Best Feature: Da’wah site oriented to the Western mind.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Audio/ video Da’wah lectures would be a welcome addition.
·         Rating 70%
As is evident from its name, this site is dedicated to the Sahaba (radiAllaahu anhum). This site has a very modern look and an innovative design which the site maintainers have created using Flash. They have used their skills with Flash to create a flash e-book on the Sahaba which greatly enhances the cosmetic value of this site and also increases surfer interest. It is heartening to note that Muslims are not only keeping pace with modern media but are also using it for the propagation of Islaam.
The software for the Flash E book is also on sale for those interested in using it for their own sites etc.
Best Feature: A site dedicated to the Sahaba and the excellent use of Flash to create a website and E book with a unique look. Also the site invites user participation by submitting stories and a forum.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Fits its name well but has a possibility of adding some classical and in depth works on the status of Sahaaba and importance of following their methodology etc.
·         Rating 70%
Need to look up something in Tafseer Ibn Katheer? Go to The whole book has been put up here. But there is a problem with the site navigation. You can only view it piecemeal and really small pieces at that. At times clicking a link produces nothing more than a title. At others it gives a small paragraph. Admittedly the paragraphs are complete sections on a particular ayah; however it causes a lot of frustration to dial-up users (I am one of them) when they have to open up an entire new page to view small bits of info. Also the site does not lend itself to mirroring by programs like HTTRACK or Offline Downloader which would enable one to download the entire site on the hard disk and use it offline.
Best Feature: The book itself.
What it lacks/ What could be added: User friendliness, Possibility of mirroring and going by the name of the site, it should have material on Usool at Tafseer and also include tafseer by other scholars.
45. Quran And Sunnah Society
·         Rating 70%
Surf to this site for safe, sound authentic Islaamic info. The site mentions that some sections are ‘Currently Under Development’ and also hopes to put up new online e-books & publications. Till then the quantity of material is not satisfying but the quality is very satisfying. Some Arabic lectures are also available here.
Best feature: As far as I know this was the first site to put up the entire book on Salaah of Shaikh Albanee on-line and its still there. Other sites too have followed suit.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Quantity. And it is hoped that they do so soon because they seem have a knack for selecting good stuff.
·         Rating 70%
This is a very good site for getting a quick overview of Islaam. Muslims just starting to read up on their deen will find the format attractive as the articles are arranged according to very specific topics i.e. beard, rings, sneezing etc. The site is very easy to navigate but dial up connection users will find the pages comparatively slow in opening due to the applets which make each page transition different.
Best feature: The topic wise arrangement of the articles and the ‘Action Items for the Muttaqun’
What it lacks/ What could be added: No downloadable E books, no lectures. Also it needs more in-depth material on many topics.
·         Rating 70%
The main agenda of the site is to serve New Muslims but has content relevant to all Muslims. This site is high on article content and maintained regularly with a regular mailing list. Each aspect of Islam has been covered. There are a few downloadable books but nothing that other sites don’t already have. An interesting feature is an Islamic quiz where you can test yourself on some of the basics of Islam. There are links to audio and Holy Quran radio, but nothing uploaded on the site
Best feature: High on article content and authentic literature and an excellent site for new Muslims; not to forget the quiz!
What it lacks/ what could be added: Site is not very user friendly and some of the colours can hurt the eyes. Improving the presentation of the site will attract more visitors and thus benefit more people.
·         Rating 70%
This site has some really good articles which alone are worth the visit. Besides it has some good E books and one of them is their own publication
It has also has a sizeable collection of lectures. At the time of reviewing, the site had 31 lectures of Dr. Zakir Naik; mostly audio but video lectures are also available. Unfortunately not all are available for downloading
Best Feature: A solid 31 Lectures of Dr. Zakir Naik and the articles.
What it lacks/ What could be added: It has only 4 E books and lectures of only two speakers.
49. Islamic Virtual School
·         Rating 70%
This site is based on an excellent concept which needs to be taken further. It has Arabic multimedia teaching aids in the form of games which are fun and beneficial at the same time. The learning aids can be used online or downloaded. It also offers some physical products in its store in co-operation with astrolabe which seem promising although of course each product would have to be evaluated on its own merit
Muslim programmers worldwide need to put their skills to meeting this modern need of the community so that children can spend more ‘fun’ time learning Arabic and their deen on computers which occupy a large portion of their time anyway.
This site has taken a big step in this direction but a lot remains to be done.
Best Feature: Multimedia Islaamic learning aids
What it lacks/ What could be added: More such and better learning aids not only from this site but Muslim programmers and creative artists worldwide.
50. The Muslim
·         Rating 70%
This site goes a long way in fulfilling a prime need for Internet using Muslims i.e. a good site dedicated primarily to the Muslim Woman. What is more gratifying is that this site does not lose sight of the basic Islaamic teachings while presenting material focusing on the Muslim Woman. Also it has none of the feminist ideas that seem to be gaining ground among many Muslim women nowadays.
There is also a special section for kids, which is also important as one of the main roles of the woman in Islaam is to raise children on sound Islaamic values so that they can be efficient units of this Ummah.
To be sure this site does not fulfill all the requirements of the task it has undertaken (going by its name) but it does go a long way towards filling this gap in cyberspace and if the site maintainers work on it can become even better bi izniLlaah
Best Feature: A good site dedicated for the Muslim Woman.
What it lacks/ What could be added: To fulfill the responsibilities of its name the site needs addition of content on many other issues. Also the kids section needs to be improved quality wise.
51. Islam
·         Rating 70%
This site consists of just a single book in the form of a website. However, it is worth visiting this site because it is an excellent book for Da’wah purposes or even for Muslims to strengthen their Faith by seeing the scientific proofs of the veracity of the Qur’aan. What adds luster to this site is that they allow you to download the entire book in PDF format for reading, printing and free distribution. A ‘Must Download’ for any Da’ee.
The site is also available in a few other languages.
Best Feature: The book itself
What it lacks/ What could be added: Although the apparent aim of the site maintainers (presenting the book on the net) is admirably accomplished it seems a waste to keep a website with such a good name for just this purpose. They would do well to add more such Dawah and comparative material.
52. Salafi
·         Rating 70%
Here’s a site which holds the promise of jumping to higher ratings as time passes.
It already has a sizeable quantity of good material in the form of E books, fataawa and audio. But some of the sections are still devoid of content In our initial review we had noted with enthusiasm a project on Tafseer Ibn Kathir. But now it is no longer on the site.
Best feature: Their E books and a well designed modern looking site.
Compared to other site in the top range the quantity & variety is low but projects seem underway to rectify this.
·         Rating 70%
This site is concerned basically with refuting the false teachings and propaganda of the Shia. A commendable effort and one with scope for future expansion
Best Feature: A site dedicated to refutation of Shia distortions.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Addition of early scholars’ refutations of the Shia and also a section dedicated to correct Aqeedah regarding the Sahaabah
54. Salim Morgan’s site
·         Rating 70%
This site has some good material not easily found elsewhere, namely the translation of some classical Arabic books into English. Unlike some other translations of Arabic books into English these are of good quality and make for smooth reading. See also (hear actually) an interesting audio of ‘some truly bizarre carrying-on which some people call “worship”.’
Best Feature: The English translations of some classical Arabic books and lecture notes on some interesting topics
What it lacks/ What needs to be added: This is only a bare bones site so there is a lot of flesh that could be added. Also the site seems to have been neglected for a long time.
55. Luton
·         Rating 80%
Run by Muslims in the Luton area of UK, has a lot of good content, and some good Halaqaat going on.. Its selection of articles encompasses many aspects of a Muslim’s life from the fundamentals to purity of oneself. Some of these articles are not on any other site which is a plus. The site also draws attention to the Muslims being help captive mainly in UK without charge or trial and is active in trying to ease their plight. It also invites other Muslims to participate even if only by writing a letter to the detainees. The events page mainly deals with events in the local area of Luton and London..
Best feature: The Campaign for Justice, well written articles and the notes from lessons conducted in their Halaqaat.
What it lacks/ What could be added: The audios of the Halaqaat would benefit other than Luton residents if uploaded on the site
·         Rating 60%
As the name indicates this site is primarily a site containing resources for the study of the Noble Qur’aan. It includes the complete translation by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan & T. Hilali.
Towards justifying its name it also has a Qur’aan research tool for registered users (free sign up) where in you can create your own bookmarks for ayah groupings under titles you choose, access the Arabic text. It has some additional good books about other topics
Best Feature: MyQuraan Bookmarks for registered users which is a free service
What it lacks/ What could be added: Going by its name it should have some Qur’aan software and audios to download which it doesn’t. The site maintainers would do well to add some material on the history of compilation of the Qur’aan, introduction to Usool at tafseer, proofs of authenticity etc.
57. Ibraheem’s
·         Rating 65%
This is the website hosting the lectures of Shaikh Salem al Amry. It contains an excellent explanation of Kitaab at Tawheed of Imaam Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Besides this it also has other lectures. All lectures are in MP3 format and free to download. Make the best use of your MP3 players by downloading and listening to these lectures. Article content is low and E books are absent from this site.
Best Feature: The series of lectures
What it lacks/ What could be added: Material from other scholars, E books, articles.
58. Al
·         Rating 60%
Note: At the time of revising the reviews this site is no longer available. We hope it makes a comeback though.
This is a good site which can become better with the addition of more material. The quality of the existing content, however, makes this site worth visiting. Do visit this site a it contains some good E books and articles not found elsewhere.
Best Feature: Well selected content
What it lacks/ What could be added: Quantity. Many of the sections have Zero content.
·         Rating 60%
This is a site which aims to present a proper perspective of Islaam and the methodology Muslims should follow. For this it has some very good articles but the small number leaves much to be desired. It also contains a few books but has absolutely no audio content. Site navigation is easy and fast.
Best Feature: Nothing outstanding but they have a good start to building a top class site.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Quantity
60. Islamic
·         Rating 60%
This is one of the many sites on the net with everything in it good but such that it does not rise above the average. It has books, articles and a few audio and video lectures. All in all it is a good initial effort which needs to be improved on.
Best Feature: Nothing outstanding.
What it lacks/ What could be added: More and better quality content would boost the ratings of this site.
·         Rating 60%
This is the website of the famous Indian Da’ee Dr.Zakir Naik. Those who haven’t heard about him are missing out a lot on the Dawah scene and should rush to this site immediately. Although the site itself does not host any of his Audio or Video Lectures it links to a site that has them. Download and enjoy seeing Dr. Zakir convincingly prove with innumerable quotations from the Bible, Vedas & other religions that Tawheed is clearly mentioned in the earlier scriptures, that too all from memory!!! (The man must be having a chip installed somewhere in his head). Also his spontaneous and convincing replies to sticky Dawah questions raised by non Muslims during the QA session which invariably follows each of his lectures and debates are a treat to watch.
The site has his books and some transcribed lectures/debates. It also has an online Dawah Training course.
Best Feature: Online Dawah Training course & the Da’wah efforts of Dr. Zakir Naik.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Content wise it does not have much to offer, because the intent of the site seems to be to inform people about the activities of Dr. Zakir and the IRF. Also it could do with some regular updates. The last one seems to have been in 2004.
62. Jaafar
·         Rating 60%
This site presents material of Shaikh Jaafar Idris. It’s a worth a visit to learn from the writings and lectures of this man.
There used to be a site earlier named which had the writings of Shaikh Jaafar Idris. But that seems to be down now.
Best Feature: The works of Shaikh Jaafar Idri
What it lacks/ What could be added: Quantity
·         Rating 60%
Visit this site to learn more about a praiseworthy effort on the part of Islam channel TV. The site describes the reason behind and the aim of the channel as:
Despite constituting one fifth of the world’s population, Muslims and Islam are currently misrepresented in the global media. This has led to a large demand amongst Muslims for television that reflects their needs and programmes that are founded upon Islamic values.
Islam Channel aspires to be an alternative channel; it will advance unbiased and accurate images of Islam and Muslims and endeavour to bring about cultural understanding and awareness for a peaceful and harmonious co-existence amongst communities.
Although I can’t comment on the quality of the actual programs of Islam Channel (I can’t access the channel and don’t have a broadband connection to view online) what I do feel is that there is a crying need for more such channels in the face of the current deluge of biased, misleading & negative misinformation on the international media scene. This effort needs to be supported by all Muslims, and not limited to only the few channels that are currently available world wide.
Besides the above information the site also tries to provide some good material for internet users. It has provided articles (mostly borrowed from other sites) and links to lectures from (see review for that site). As such there is no original content here.
It provides an online Fataawa facility wherein people can post questions on Islaamic issues. However the full list of scholars who will answer the questions is not available and there is no archive of past fataawa.
Best Feature: The effort to maintain an ‘Islamic-focused satellite channel’ and the facility to view the channels programs live on-line.
What it lacks/ What could be added: The website would do well to put up some original content and an archive of past fataawa. Also it would be useful if they could add some downloadable video files of past good programs beamed on the channel.
64. Remember
·         Rating 60%
Here’s a nice colorful site with a clean design. It has a good collection of articles and many of them are original and hence refreshing. However the site has a long way to go before it achieves its claim of being ‘The biggest site for Quran, Hadeeth and Atkar’. The site has potential for further growth especially in areas other than articles.
Best Feature: The collection of articles
What it lacks/ What could be added: Mostly this site is need of audio lectures and some serious writing on its main theme i.e. dhikr
65. Make
·         Rating 60%

A commendable effort by a group of volunteers. As they say: Fortification of the Muslim (Hisnul Muslim) is perhaps the most popular du’a book currently in print. This site is an electronic rendition of the “little du’a book”.
That’s what he site is. As this book is available as a Word and PDF download elsewhere on the net, this site would not have been of much use. However it has a alphabetical index by which you can search topics and jump straight to the required du’aa.
Best Feature: The book itself
What it lacks/ What could be added: The site could be developed into a resource centre on Du’aa in general with articles on the etiquettes of du’aas, times when they are accepted etc.
66. The Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah Association of Australia
·         Rating 60%
Here’s a community site for Australian Muslims with good articles and audios. Apart from the articles, this site is relevant mostly for Australian Muslims.
Best feature: A site catering to the Australian Muslim Community.
What it lacks/ What could be added: E books, Multimedia content
Sites based on the Da’wah efforts of Shabbir Ally
·         Rating 60%
These are three partner sites and are centered around the Da’wah efforts of Shabbir Ally..
Best Feature: The Da’wah efforts of Shabbir Ally
What it lacks/ What could be added: Although the sites have a clean layout, the pages are understated which is a drawback on a Da’wah oriented site. Also more content would build on the usefulness of this site.
70. E
·         Rating 60%
Closely resembling is Here too the main focus is on getting a better understanding the Qur’aan by means of the shortlist of words, dictionaries in various languages etc. It has some other articles too.
Best Feature: 80 % words of the Qur’aan and word to word dictionaries
What it lacks/ What could be added: A good effort here which can be bettered by material on other aspects of the Qur’aan and Islaam.
71. Examine the
·         Rating 60%
Refutations of Christian missionaries attacking Islaam and debates with Christians are the core of this site. Although the site is more relevant to those who stay in the area of the webmaster, it is nevertheless interesting enough for others to visit too.
Best Feature: Refutations of Christian attacks on Islaam.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Da’wah material of other scholars from around the globe.
72. Al
·         Rating 60%
Head here for the website of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Da‘wah and Guidance, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All in all it is a good start but it needs a lot more stuff to push it up the charts as till the time of reviewing it had only articles and some Qur’aanic recitations. It also has a good section devoted to Ahkam of Tajweed.
Best Feature: A good section on Ahkam ut Tajweed.
What it lacks/ What could be added: Content other than articles.
73. Talk
·         Rating 50%
This site is best visited for its Islaamic quotes. If you wish to send Islamic SMS one liners then this is the site for you. It’s full of meaningful verses from the Qur’aan, poignant ahadeeth and quotes from the salaf and classical scholars. It also features a good online list of Muslim baby names with meanings along with names in Persian and Turkish
There is onsite shopping with a vast range of items from Books to toys and Bukhoor (incense)
Best feature: That would have to be the Islamic quote and names sections
What it lacks/ What could be added: Many of the quotes are unknown. Besides there is a lot that could be added Islaamically speaking and going by the name of the site but the site apparently is not aiming for any of those.
74. Islamic
·         Rating 50%
A simple little website that covers the basics in Islam with a wide range of topics from Hijra to women’s issues. Each topic has a short introduction and the site owner has added a book to buy that will explain that topic in more detail. There are some good reviews of books on learning Arabic.
There is a good section on depression which is prevalent in our societies today. There is also a section that teaches you how to build an Islamic Web-Site and another on Inspirational true stories
Best feature: The section on depression is informative .and the poetry section has some original poems
What it lacks/ What could be added: More content added to each topic would add to the appeal of this small offering to the average Muslim surfer.
·         Rating 50%
A site geared towards Da’wah but nothing exceptional
76. International Association for New
·         Rating 40%
Yet another good starting place for new Muslims which has a good start and has scope for further improvement
Best Feature: A site and project dedicated for new Muslims.
What it lacks/ What could be added: More resources to make this a really good site for new Muslims.
77. Institute of Islamic Information and Education
·         Rating 40%
According to the site:
The Institute of Islamic Information and Education (III&E) is dedicated to the cause of Islam in North America through striving to elevate the image of Islam and Muslims by providing the correct information about Islamic beliefs, history and civilization from the authentic sources.
Apart from doing the above it has placed some very interesting brochures which are the reason for this site making it to this list and for Muslims apart from those residing in North America to visit it.
Best Feature: Some interesting brochures
What it lacks/ What could be added: Although basically meant for reflecting the activities of the III&E the webmaster should think of utilizing this valuable resource (the site) to put up more content to benefit all Muslims.
78. Real
·         Rating 40%
This is one of the many sites which are based on correct sources and the presentation, content etc are about average.
Best feature: Nothing outstanding
What it lacks/ What needs to be added: Needs input all round of better quality material.
·         Rating 30%
Originally this site had some very good articles. Now it is under renovation, so the articles are not easily available directly from the home page but the link above will take you there. Some of the earlier articles seem to be missing. But hopefully the completed website should include all that and more. So keep this site in mind for visiting after a few months
Best Feature: Nothing Outstanding
What it lacks/ What needs to be added: As the site is under renovation it is best to watch and wait.
·         Rating 30%

The sole reason for this site to come on the list is the two projects undertaken by brother Sabbir viz.
1. An audio of the English Translation of the Qur’aan (Muhsin Khan and Hilali) along with the Arabic recitation by Shaikh Mishary ayah by ayah. Parts of it are already up on the site for free downloading. As far as we know this is the only site offering the audio version of the Muhsin Khan and Hilali translation.
2. The upcoming audio version of Riyadh us Saaliheen
The audios already up on the site are of professional So visit this site just for getting the audio translation files.
Best Feature: Professional quality audio translation of the Qur’aan (partially completed)
What it lacks/ What could be added: More material should be added to the Aqeedah section which has negligible content right now.
81. The Sabr Foundation.
The Sabr Foundation has put up the following group of websites.
And each one deserves a review in its own right because they all have good and relevant content.


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FB Event link:


Knowledge based resources
Fatawa WebSites
Islamic Educational Institution
Urdu Resources
Resources for Islamic Literature and Media
Salafi Sites for Sisters
Scholars Websites In English
Audio Lectures
Useful Stuff